AS 13100 – Aero Engine QMS requirements – New Contractual Requirements from your Aero Engine Customers
- January 22, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Aerospace

AS13100 AESQ Quality Management System Requirements for Aero Engine Design and Production Organizations Standard has been created to harmonize and simplify supplier quality requirements that are in addition to the requirements of AS 9100 Quality Management Systems – Requirements for Aviation, Space, and Defense Organizations and AS 9145 Advanced Product Quality Planning and Production Part Approval Process.
AS13100 sets out to create a common set of supplemental requirements with common reference materials to improve understanding, efficiency, and performance. While significantly simplifying the businesses of suppliers with multiple customers, the primary intent of this new standard is to improve overall product quality by focusing on the key systems and processes currently deterring consistent aerospace engine product quality.
Previously the Aerospace Engine Manufacturers based their supplier quality requirements on 9100 but had differing supplemental requirements and guidance albeit with largely the same intent. These supplemental requirements originate from the need to meet Regulatory, Customer, Industry, and Business requirements that are not explicitly covered by 9100 and 9145.
This standard sets out to create a common set of supplemental requirements with common reference materials to improve understanding, efficiency, and performance. While significantly simplifying the businesses of suppliers with multiple customers, the primary intent of this new standard is to improve overall product quality by focusing on the key systems and processes currently deterring consistent aerospace engine product quality.
These common supplemental requirements aim to raise the bar for anticipated performance in these key areas, and therefore detailed guidance is provided to ensure clarity of expectations.
This AS 13100 is not an 3rd party certifiable standard. This is self compliance standard and the Aero Engine customer may use this AS 13100 to audit their supply chain.
Nucleus Consultants offers consulting, training and pre-auditing services to AS 13100, AS 9145, AS 13002, AS 13003, AS 13004 and AS 13006.
- AS 13100 Implementation Training
Recently we did two days AS 13100 Introduction Training to the our few of the Aero engine part manufacturing customers. If you came across AS 13100 requirements form your aerospace customers or your customer contractual requirements calls for AS 13100 compliance, we can train and do consultation services for this.
- AS 9145, AS 13000 series
To comply AS 13100, you need to address and comply the AS 9145 and other applicable AS 13000 series documents and reference manuals and customer specific QMS requirements. We at Nucleus Consultants, provide consulting and training services to these requirements.