NABH – National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare

Accreditation is a formal recognition of the technical competence of an organization to carry out conformity assessment activities in specified areas. And Accreditation is “A public recognition of the achievement of accreditation standards by a healthcare organization, demonstrated through an independent external peer assessment of that organization’s level of performance in relation to the standards”.
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a constituent board of Quality Council of India, set up to establish and operate accreditation programme for healthcare organizations. The board is structured to cater to much desired needs of the consumers and to set benchmarks for progress of health industry. The board while being supported by all stakeholders including industry, consumers, government, have full functional autonomy in its operation
Why Accreditation is needed for Hospitals?
It shows that the hospital is volunteered to undergo a challenging, comprehensive evaluation. It has made a significant extra effort to review and improve the key factors that can affect the quality and safety of patients. The fact that the hospital has gone through NABH evaluation shows an extraordinary commitment to provide safe, high quality care and awillingness to be measured against the highest standards of performance.
Hospital Accreditation and Benefits
NABH Accreditation benefits all stake holders. Patients are the biggest beneficiary. Accreditation results in high quality of care and patient safety. The patients get services by credential medical staff. Rights of patients are respected andprotected. Patient satisfaction is regularly evaluated.
The staff in a accredited hospital are satisfied lot as it provides for continuous learning, good working environment,leadership and above all ownership of clinical processes.
Accreditation to a hospital stimulates continuous improvement. It enables hospital in demonstrating commitment to quality care. It raises community confidence in the services provided by the hospital. It also provides opportunity to healthcare unit to benchmark with the best.
Finally, accreditation provides an objective system of empanelment by insurance and other third parties. Accreditation provides access to reliable and certified information on facilities, infrastructure and level of care.
NABH Assessment Process
Involves comprehensive review of hospital’s compliance with NABH’s standards. Cardinal principles of assessment are;
i) hospital operations are based on sound principles of system based organization
ii) NABH standards are implemented and institutionalize into hospital functioning.
iii) Patient safety and quality of care, as core values, are established and owned by management and staff in all functions and at all levels.
iv) there is structured quality improvement programme based on continuous monitoring of patient care services.
Applicable to:
All Hospitals (Primary and multi specialty), Dental Clinics, Blood banks, Eye Banks, and Health care providers.
Presently NABH Offers its Accreditation Services to the following Health Care Providers
– Hospitals
– Blood Banks
– Small Healthcare Organizations
– Oral Substitution Therapy Centers
– Wellness Centers
– AYUSH Hospitals
– Medical Imaging Services
– Dental Facilities
– Medical Testing Laboratories
To Know more about these standards and accreditation, please contact us on +91 9600001996 or mail us
NABH Assessment Method
NABH has on its panel, qualified and trained assessors for objective evaluation of hospitals. The assessment team will include two or more healthcare professionals including a clinician, healthcare administrator, being rendered by the hospital. The assessment process incorporates interviews with the patients, residents and staff. It calls for on-site visits to patient care areas and to selected departments. Facility tours addressing issues related to physical assessment of infrastructure, medical equipment, security, infection control etc. is integral elements of assessment process.
Ten steps to accreditation:
Step 1 Obtain copy of NABH standards
Step 2 Carry out self assessment on status of compliance with the NABH standards.
Step 3 Identify gap areas and prepare action plan to bridge the gaps.
Step 4 Ensure that NABH standards are implemented and integrated with hospital functioning.
Step 5 Obtain copy and submit application form for assessment.
Step 6 Pay the accreditation fee.
Step 7 Receive from NABH the assessment programme including dates and names of assessors.
Step 8 Facilitate the assessment.
Step 9 Receive recommendation on accreditation.
Step 10 Maintain quality improvement programme based on continuous monitoring of patient care services
Strengthens community confidence in the quality and safety of care, treatment and services — Achievingaccreditation makes a strong statement to the community about an organization’s efforts to provide the highest quality services.
Provides a competitive edge in the marketplace — Exposure of accreditation status may provide marketing advantage in a competitive health care marketplace and improve the ability to secure new business.
Improves risk management and risk reduction — NABH standards focus on state-of-the-art performanceimprovement strategies that help health care organizations continuously improve the safety and quality of care, therebyreducing the risk of error or low quality care.
Helps organize and strengthen patient safety efforts — Patient safety and quality of care issues are at the forefront ofNABH standards and initiatives.
Provides education on good practices to improve business operations — NABH Resources, the QCI not-for-profit affiliate, provides continuing support and education to accredited organizations, including good practices and other enhancements.
Provides professional advice and counsel thereby enhancing staff education — NABH assessors are experiencedhealth care professionals trained to provide expert advice and education during the on-site survey.
Enhances staff recruitment and development — NABH accreditation can attract qualified personnel who prefer to serve in an accredited organization. Accredited organizations also provide additional opportunities for staff to develop their skills and knowledge.
Provides deeming authority for other certification — Some accredited health care organizations may qualify for othercertification with or without undergoing a separate government quality inspection, which eases the burdens of duplicative state regulatory agency surveys.
Recognized by insurers and other third parties — Accreditation is becoming a prerequisite to eligibility for insurancereimbursement, to participation in managed care plans and to bidding on contracts.
May reduce liability insurance costs — By enhancing risk management efforts, accreditation may improve access toand reduce the cost of liability insurance coverage.