NABET Accreditation School Quality Governance

Quality Council of India (QCI) was set up in 1997 as an autonomous body by the Government of India jointly with the Indian industry, represented by three premier industry associations ASSOCHAM, CII and FICCI.
The Chairman of QCI is appointed directly by the Prime Ministers Office. During February, 2007, the then President of India, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam gave the QCI the task of developing accreditation and quality benchmarks for schools,which gave birth to the National Accreditation Board for Education and Training’s (NABET) Standard for Quality School Governance. For more information, visit the QCI NABET website. (see )
Introduction on Accreditation of Quality School Governance
Quality Council of India (QCI) has recently launched an Accreditation Standard for Quality School Governance in the country.
This standard has been developed with a view to define & implement systems in the school to:
a) provide educational services that enhance the satisfaction level of all interested parties
b) provide a basis for assessing and where required, rating the effectiveness of an educational management system
c) develop quality consciousness among the interested parties
The standard focuses on establishing systems to enable learning, self development and improved performance. It encourages schools to pursue continual excellence. The standard is non- prescriptive; but its compliance is in conjunction with the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. The standard can be adapted;
a) as a self improvement tool,
b) for third party accreditation/certification,
c) by statutory and regulatory authorities.
This standard specifies requirements for accreditation of a school which :
a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide educational service that meets interested party requirements with a view to provide holistic education and facilitate overall development of students &
b) aims to enhance interested party satisfaction through the effective application of process approach for continual improvement of the system.
Why Accreditation and Benefits….
Now “Ministry of Human Resource Development” Government of India has taken a very progressive initiative of improving the Quality of education in the schools allover the country. National Accreditation Board Of Education and Training (NABET) of Quality Council of India (QCI) has published
“Accreditation Standard For Quality School Governance” All recognized and affiliated schools are required to comply to this standard for Holistic Development of Students.
Benefits for Students/Parents
– Students get quality education
– Wholesome and balanced inputs for all round personality development
– Dynamic and transparent system in place
– Students and parents get a voice
– to influence the school working
– to get redressal of their grievances
Benefits for School
– Better capability to deliver quality education .
– A distinctive mark of quality that accords recognition of the school’s commitment to quality.
– Proven, transparent and intuitive processes for school improvement that are grounded in
best practices from the education and business fields.
– Frame work and support system to help meet local, state, national appropriate international
Benefits for School staff
– Development of a new mindset and a systematic approach to education delivery
– Opportunities for upgrading skills and knowledge through continuous learning and training
– Significantly improved work environment
– Development of quality culture
– Teaching and delivery of education becomes satisfying experience
– Motivated teachers and staff
Benefits for School Management
– Achievement of objectives and goals
– Institutionalizing the process of continual improvement
– Focus on long term vision
– Regular feed back on performance through internal and external assessments
– Credibility of school in the eyes of interested parties
We Provide training, consultancy services for development of schools to comply with Accreditation Standard For Quality School Governance which provides a comprehensive framework for holistic/overall development of students leading to life long learning in consonance with the environment.
For more details / contacts Please contact or call us +91 9600001996